Columbia/Mustang/Converse Joined Unicard Network
Columbia & Mustang & Converse joined Unicard network. Columbia, Mustang, and Converse brands are presented within the store. Customers are offered high quality cloth, shoes and accessories tailed according to the needs and requirements of people. Mountain climbers, fishermen and hunters find best products created by Columbia brand. Mustand produces American style inspired jeans, jackets, t-shirts, shirts and other assortments; whereas always trendy Converse provides shoes for men, women and kids since 1908.
Unicard holders collect 1 point per each spent 10 GEL at Columbia & Mustang & Converse store. Store locations are:
- Aghmashenebeli alley 16 km;
- 2 Samgoris dasakhleba, 2 Aleksander Tvarchrelidze str (East Point Shopping Center).
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