AliExpress- the largest online shop, a partner of Unicard
Today we will talk about, one of the largest online shops of Unicard.
First of all, in order to collect Unicard points while shopping online, you need to go to Aliexpress from Unicard's website. While shopping at AliExpress, you will collect 2.7 points for every spent 10 GEL.
AliExpress ( is the largest Chinese online shop, covering many sectors. Individual stores are registered and sell their products there. Every store has its own page where you can find information about it, see the rating, what percentage of Positive Feedback they have, and determine their credibility - this is important because if the product is too cheap and the seller doesn't have a proper rating, it may be fraudulent. If the product is too late, then you will open a dispute, and the amount will already be refunded to the card account from which you have paid.
The advantage of issuing goods on AliExpress is that most of the products are delivered directly to your zip code in Georgia, and you can choose for paid or free shipping (transportation).
For safe transportation, you can choose a parcel company that provides international shipping from China to Georgia.
In addition to AliExpress, the main online partner of Unicard is Ebay - shop online and collect Unicard Points.
When shopping on Ebay you will collect 1.7 Unicard points for every spent 10 GEL.
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