Innovative Concept Shop #Mkholodqartuli joined Unicard Network
The shop #Mkholodqartuli is in Unicard Network now. The shop offers the products, produced only in Georgia.
There are already more than 400 kinds of Georgian products in the shop. In the near future, it plans to double this figure and offers customers an even more diverse choice. The main purpose of this idea is to support small entrepreneurs and popularize their products. Beginner Georgian enterprises have the opportunity to place their products next to the existing brands. In the shop, the customers will find the products that you have never heard of.
The unique concept shop gave the opportunity to the small and medium entrepreneurs to sell their products. #Mkholodqartuli serves as an intermediary between entrepreneurs and consumers. The innovative approach encourages existing entrepreneurs to advance and develop, and helps new entrepreneurs to establish themselves. In turn, the Georgian market has a place where only Georgian goods are located.
To get in #Mkholodqartuli, companies must meet only one criterion: any product must be manufactured in Georgia and meet safety standards. Unicard holders will collect 1 point for every 10 GEL spent in #Mkholodqartuli
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