Unicard and its Partners Awarded the Winners with the Prizes!
Unicard director, Beso Abuladze with the partner companies - Wissol Group President, SOCAR Georgia Petroleum, Soso Pkhakadze and corporate and business communication head, Irakli Zubitahsvili awarded the winners on the official ceremony.
We Recall the winners.
Ford Mondeo - Besik Chincharauli 1199110500506983, 0373588
Ford mondeo - Beso Akhaladze 1199110599986151, 0782182
Ford mondeo - Mamuka Japaridze 1199110100229609, 0183858
Porsche Kajaani - David Tsirdava 1199110100282470, 1225069
Apartments - Vladimir Kvelashvili 119911500037830, 0341492
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